Karate A to Z is an innovative program, developed by Master Anthony Lerma in 2002, that teaches the basic movements, techniques and stances found in a wide range of martial arts as well as sports, combined with the use of the alphabet.
Karate A to Z is designed and developed specifically for the emotional and physical needs of young children. It incorporates skills such as focus, balance, strength, coordination, and self control, and provides students with an awareness of the sights and sounds of the alphabet. The result is a reading readiness program based on movement that is fun and helps children of all ages develop visual and phonetic familiarity with the alphabet, as well as teach them vocabulary for social growth and invaluable life skills.
The benefits of training result in improved:
– mental focus
– balance and coordination
– core strength
– character development
– social growth
– life skills: accountability, discipline, confidence and expression
Classes are held 2 times a week:
Tuesdays and Thursdays 3:45-4:15pm
Recommended attendance is 2 classes per week. Minimum age: 3 1/2 years
New Student Introductory: 1 private lesson (30 min.), a full uniform, 1 month of group classes $295